( ! ) Warning: file_get_contents(https://theactivitypeople.co.uk/en/action_query/slack/outOfMemory?channel=%23it-tech-issues-local&message=%5B2025-02-11+08%3A07%5D%09%5B2%5D%09%5BUtils.php%5D%09errno%3A+2%2C+line%3A+8655%0AUndefined+array+key+%22venue_id%22%0Ain+%2Fwww%2Fminirezbot.websites%2F5.5%2FAppSBLive%2Fmodels%2Fgeronigo_mod.php%0Aaffiliateprogram.geronigo.com%2Fen%2Fvenues%2Fadrenalin-activities%2Fthamesmead-greater-london%2FoTown-35286%0A): Failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! in /www/minirezbot.websites/5.5/AppSBLive/libraries/Utils.php on line 34 |
Call Stack |
# | Time | Memory | Function | Location |
1 | 0.0001 | 360752 | {main}( ) | .../index.php:0 |
2 | 0.0045 | 363376 | require_once( '/www/minirezbot.websites/5.5/system/core/CodeIgniter.php ) | .../index.php:290 |
3 | 0.0119 | 432496 | en->_remap( $function = 'venues', [0 => 'adrenalin-activities', 1 => 'thamesmead-greater-london', 2 => 'oTown-35286'] ) | .../CodeIgniter.php:284 |
4 | 0.0288 | 578368 | Sb3->_remap( $method = 'venues', $controller = ??? ) | .../en.php:25 |
5 | 0.2952 | 3955680 | Geronigo_hack->venues_list( $force = FALSE, $method = 'venues' ) | .../sb3.php:444 |
6 | 0.3159 | 3997448 | Sb2->_remap( $function = 'venues' ) | .../geronigo_hack.php:81 |
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'adwords_campaign' => NULL, 'adwords_active' => '1', 'fullUrl' => 'affiliateprogram.geronigo.com', 'statsGrouping' => 'theactivitypeople.co.uk', 'mirrors' => '', 'serverLocation' => 'eu', 'website_parameters' => 'xoAct-63,129,131,135,138,178,250,254_xfAct-63,129,131,135,138,178,98,216,250,254_theme-theactivitypeople_xoAct-63-129,131,135,138,178_xfAct-63-129,131,135,138,178,98,216_theme-geronigo', 'override_params' => 'no', 'activity' => 'Adrenalin Activities', 'theme' => 'geronigo', 'brand' => 'Geronigo', 'parentUrl' => 'partners.geronigo.com', 'telephone' => '0800 876 0111', 'fax' => '0333 247 8011', 'email' => 'contact@theactivitypeople.co.uk', 'address' => '15th Floor (North), Arena Point, Merrion Way, Leeds, LS2 8PA', 'companyID' => '1', 'iqCompanyID' => '2', 'pageTitle' => 'The Activity People', 'websiteStrapline' => 'Adventures across the UK', 'venueTitle' => 'venue', 'h1Tag' => 'Adrenalin', 'targetUser' => 'defaults', 'googleMapsKey' => 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registered company Nr: 11456553', 'company_vat_details' => ' Registered for VAT nr: 318 5012 28', 'company_opening_hours' => [...], 'company_terms' => [...], 'company_policy' => [...], 'companyAffID' => 'ap', 'media' => '{"logo":{"fileName":null,"background_color":"#004b8d","filePath":"logos/theactivitypeople/logo.png"}}', 'company_website' => '', 'company_telephone' => '', 'URI' => 'affiliateprogram.geronigo.com', 'mirror' => 'no', 'domain' => 'affiliateprogram', 'seasonal' => 'xmas', 'special-day' => '', 'bookingWebID' => '2', 'app' => '', 'platform' => '', 'widget' => 'rezbot', 'actualUrl' => 'affiliateprogram.geronigo.com', 'regions' => [...], 'actInfo' => [...]], 'quote' => ['quoteID' => '69288', 'quote_title' => 'INVALID GROUPM8 EVENT', 'message' => '', 'quote_skin_style' => 'tbs', 'quote_skin' => '', 'telephone' => '', 'customer_first_viewed' => '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 'component_exclude_items' => '0', 'quote_event_date' => '', 'plan_label' => 'Option', 'plan_pricing' => '1', 'quote_status' => 'enquiry', 'quote_statusMSG' => '', 'quote_statusMINPAX' => '0', 'quote_statusCUTOFFDAYS' => '7', 'pendingValue' => '0.00', 'processedValue' => '0.00', 'unread_notes' => '0', 'unread_questions' => '0', 'plan_booking' => '1', 'component_pricing' => '1', 'component_booking' => '0', 'discount_type' => 'pounds', 'companyID' => '17', 'web_site_url' => 'thebigshoot.co.uk', 'privacy' => '', 'facebook' => '', 'affID' => 'ap', 'resellerRef' => '', 'quoteLayout' => 'event', 'openEvent' => '0', 'compCount' => '1', 'tsBookClick' => '1728634695', 'active' => '1', 'tsQuoteSent' => '1309148009', 'tsCreated' => '1308970104', 'alertTestBooking' => '0', 'discount_value' => '0', 'discount_apply' => 'per person', 'discount_terms' => '', 'discount_label' => '', 'dealDiscount' => '0', 'organiser_name' => 'Admin', 'organiser_tel' => '', 'organiser_email' => 'bernie@groupM8.com', 'organiser_shout_subscribe' => '1', 'organiser_coming' => '1', 'organiserID' => '69288-tdape', 'organiserFriendID' => '71058', 'logged_name' => NULL, 'logged_email' => NULL, 'logged_mobile' => NULL, 'logged_landline' => NULL, 'logged_coming' => NULL, 'logged_friendID' => NULL, 'logged_shout_subscribe' => NULL, 'quote_adminID' => '8', 'admin_aware' => '1', 'sales_agent' => 'Bernie', 'agent_email' => 'bernie@goballistic.co.uk', 'theme_website' => 'http://www.thebigshoot.co.uk', 'quote_website' => 'http://quote.thebigshoot.co.uk', 'theme_websiteID' => '8', 'theme_tel' => '0800 078 9508', 'theme_code' => 'tbs', 'company_name' => 'The Big Shoot', 'enq_type' => '', 'enq_reason' => '', 'enq_when' => '', 'enq_time' => '', 'enq_where' => '', 'enq_custnotes' => '', 'enq_pax' => '', 'enq_activity' => '0', 'enq_name' => '', 'enq_tel' => '', 'enq_email' => '', 'enq_origin' => '', 'totalBookingPrice' => '0.00', 'totalBookingMargin' => '0.00', 'totalBookingMarginPercent' => '0.00', 'totalBookingPoints' => '0.00', 'alertAwaitingAgent' => '0', 'totalRefunds' => '0.00', 'outstanding' => '0.00', 'currency' => 'GBP', 'special_terms' => NULL, 'currSym' => '£', 'event_header_title' => 'INVALID GROUPM8 EVENT', 'compPaid' => [...], 'guestPaid' => [...], 'from_price' => 0, 'to_price' => 0, 'plan' => [...], 'primaryAct' => '0', 'overview_message' => 'I\'d recommend the following Option which I\'ve put into an interactive quotation for you. Take a look and don\'t hesitate to contact me with any questions', 'overview_message_signoff' => '<p class=\'signature\'><em>Bernie</em></p><p>The Big Shoot<br />0800 078 9508</p>'], 'pagebuild' => ['template indexView' => 'Loaded (responsive)', 0 => 'PAGEDATA template:defaultpages page:defaultsettings USED', 1 => 'PAGEDATA template:defaultpages page:venues USED', 2 => 'PAGEDATA website:affiliateprogram.geronigo.com page:defaultsettings USED', 'plugins' => [...]], 'pagedata' => ['details' => [...], 'column' => [...], 'menu' => [...], 'file' => 'index_responsive', 'coverage' => ' in the UK and Ireland', 'showDist' => 'yes', 'minPrice' => [...], 'activity_info' => [...]], 'regionCounts' => ['gb' => [...], 'GB' => [...], 'IE' => [...]], 'actCatCounts' => ['full' => 1864, 'filt' => 1864, 'minPrice' => '', 'cat' => [...], 'act' => [...]], 'venue_list' => [], 'minPrice' => ['minPrice' => '0.00', 'venues' => ''], 'plugins' => ['default' => [...], 'template' => [...], 'website' => [...], 'content' => [...], 'emails' => [...], 'pagetemplate' => 'responsive', 'pagewebsite' => 'affiliateprogram', 'pagefamily' => '']], $return = TRUE ) | .../sb2.php:833 |
8 | 0.7711 | 4836984 | CI_Loader->_ci_load( $_ci_data = ['_ci_view' => 'index_responsive', '_ci_vars' => ['settings' => [...], 'spacer' => '', 'sitedata' => [...], 'quote' => [...], 'pagebuild' => [...], 'pagedata' => [...], 'regionCounts' => [...], 'actCatCounts' => [...], 'venue_list' => [...], 'minPrice' => [...], 'plugins' => [...]], '_ci_return' => TRUE] ) | .../Loader.php:346 |
9 | 0.7712 | 4867168 | include( '/www/minirezbot.websites/5.5/AppSBLive/views/index_responsive.php ) | .../Loader.php:721 |
10 | 0.7712 | 4867216 | Sb2->loadPlugin( $plugin = 'head', $priority = ???, $wrapper = ???, $string = ???, $data = ???, $fork = ??? ) | .../index_responsive.php:5 |
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'1054161170', 'adwords_campaign' => NULL, 'adwords_active' => '1', 'fullUrl' => 'affiliateprogram.geronigo.com', 'statsGrouping' => 'theactivitypeople.co.uk', 'mirrors' => '', 'serverLocation' => 'eu', 'website_parameters' => 'xoAct-63,129,131,135,138,178,250,254_xfAct-63,129,131,135,138,178,98,216,250,254_theme-theactivitypeople_xoAct-63-129,131,135,138,178_xfAct-63-129,131,135,138,178,98,216_theme-geronigo', 'override_params' => 'no', 'activity' => 'Adrenalin Activities', 'theme' => 'geronigo', 'brand' => 'Geronigo', 'parentUrl' => 'partners.geronigo.com', 'telephone' => '0800 876 0111', 'fax' => '0333 247 8011', 'email' => 'contact@theactivitypeople.co.uk', 'address' => '15th Floor (North), Arena Point, Merrion Way, Leeds, LS2 8PA', 'companyID' => '1', 'iqCompanyID' => '2', 'pageTitle' => 'The Activity People', 'websiteStrapline' => 'Adventures across the UK', 'venueTitle' => 'venue', 'h1Tag' => 'Adrenalin', 'targetUser' => 'defaults', 'googleMapsKey' => 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registered company Nr: 11456553', 'company_vat_details' => ' Registered for VAT nr: 318 5012 28', 'company_opening_hours' => [...], 'company_terms' => [...], 'company_policy' => [...], 'companyAffID' => 'ap', 'media' => '{"logo":{"fileName":null,"background_color":"#004b8d","filePath":"logos/theactivitypeople/logo.png"}}', 'company_website' => '', 'company_telephone' => '', 'URI' => 'affiliateprogram.geronigo.com', 'mirror' => 'no', 'domain' => 'affiliateprogram', 'seasonal' => 'xmas', 'special-day' => '', 'bookingWebID' => '2', 'app' => '', 'platform' => '', 'widget' => 'rezbot', 'actualUrl' => 'affiliateprogram.geronigo.com', 'regions' => [...], 'actInfo' => [...]], 'quote' => ['quoteID' => '69288', 'quote_title' => 'INVALID GROUPM8 EVENT', 'message' => '', 'quote_skin_style' => 'tbs', 'quote_skin' => '', 'telephone' => '', 'customer_first_viewed' => '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 'component_exclude_items' => '0', 'quote_event_date' => '', 'plan_label' => 'Option', 'plan_pricing' => '1', 'quote_status' => 'enquiry', 'quote_statusMSG' => '', 'quote_statusMINPAX' => '0', 'quote_statusCUTOFFDAYS' => '7', 'pendingValue' => '0.00', 'processedValue' => '0.00', 'unread_notes' => '0', 'unread_questions' => '0', 'plan_booking' => '1', 'component_pricing' => '1', 'component_booking' => '0', 'discount_type' => 'pounds', 'companyID' => '17', 'web_site_url' => 'thebigshoot.co.uk', 'privacy' => '', 'facebook' => '', 'affID' => 'ap', 'resellerRef' => '', 'quoteLayout' => 'event', 'openEvent' => '0', 'compCount' => '1', 'tsBookClick' => '1728634695', 'active' => '1', 'tsQuoteSent' => '1309148009', 'tsCreated' => '1308970104', 'alertTestBooking' => '0', 'discount_value' => '0', 'discount_apply' => 'per person', 'discount_terms' => '', 'discount_label' => '', 'dealDiscount' => '0', 'organiser_name' => 'Admin', 'organiser_tel' => '', 'organiser_email' => 'bernie@groupM8.com', 'organiser_shout_subscribe' => '1', 'organiser_coming' => '1', 'organiserID' => '69288-tdape', 'organiserFriendID' => '71058', 'logged_name' => NULL, 'logged_email' => NULL, 'logged_mobile' => NULL, 'logged_landline' => NULL, 'logged_coming' => NULL, 'logged_friendID' => NULL, 'logged_shout_subscribe' => NULL, 'quote_adminID' => '8', 'admin_aware' => '1', 'sales_agent' => 'Bernie', 'agent_email' => 'bernie@goballistic.co.uk', 'theme_website' => 'http://www.thebigshoot.co.uk', 'quote_website' => 'http://quote.thebigshoot.co.uk', 'theme_websiteID' => '8', 'theme_tel' => '0800 078 9508', 'theme_code' => 'tbs', 'company_name' => 'The Big Shoot', 'enq_type' => '', 'enq_reason' => '', 'enq_when' => '', 'enq_time' => '', 'enq_where' => '', 'enq_custnotes' => '', 'enq_pax' => '', 'enq_activity' => '0', 'enq_name' => '', 'enq_tel' => '', 'enq_email' => '', 'enq_origin' => '', 'totalBookingPrice' => '0.00', 'totalBookingMargin' => '0.00', 'totalBookingMarginPercent' => '0.00', 'totalBookingPoints' => '0.00', 'alertAwaitingAgent' => '0', 'totalRefunds' => '0.00', 'outstanding' => '0.00', 'currency' => 'GBP', 'special_terms' => NULL, 'currSym' => '£', 'event_header_title' => 'INVALID GROUPM8 EVENT', 'compPaid' => [...], 'guestPaid' => [...], 'from_price' => 0, 'to_price' => 0, 'plan' => [...], 'primaryAct' => '0', 'overview_message' => 'I\'d recommend the following Option which I\'ve put into an interactive quotation for you. Take a look and don\'t hesitate to contact me with any questions', 'overview_message_signoff' => '<p class=\'signature\'><em>Bernie</em></p><p>The Big Shoot<br />0800 078 9508</p>'], 'pagebuild' => ['template indexView' => 'Loaded (responsive)', 0 => 'PAGEDATA template:defaultpages page:defaultsettings USED', 1 => 'PAGEDATA template:defaultpages page:venues USED', 2 => 'PAGEDATA website:affiliateprogram.geronigo.com page:defaultsettings USED', 'plugins' => [...]], 'pagedata' => ['details' => [...], 'column' => [...], 'menu' => [...], 'file' => 'index_responsive', 'coverage' => ' in the UK and Ireland', 'showDist' => 'yes', 'minPrice' => [...], 'activity_info' => [...]], 'regionCounts' => ['gb' => [...], 'GB' => [...], 'IE' => [...]], 'actCatCounts' => ['full' => 1864, 'filt' => 1864, 'minPrice' => '', 'cat' => [...], 'act' => [...]], 'venue_list' => [], 'minPrice' => ['minPrice' => '0.00', 'venues' => ''], 'plugins' => ['default' => [...], 'template' => [...], 'website' => [...], 'content' => [...], 'emails' => [...], 'pagetemplate' => 'responsive', 'pagewebsite' => 'affiliateprogram', 'pagefamily' => ''], 'plugindata' => [], 'passedData' => []], $return = FALSE ) | .../sb2.php:1371 |
12 | 0.7714 | 4877952 | CI_Loader->_ci_load( $_ci_data = ['_ci_view' => '/fork_sites/plugins/head', '_ci_vars' => ['settings' => [...], 'spacer' => '_..', 'sitedata' => [...], 'quote' => [...], 'pagebuild' => [...], 'pagedata' => [...], 'regionCounts' => [...], 'actCatCounts' => [...], 'venue_list' => [...], 'minPrice' => [...], 'plugins' => [...], 'plugindata' => [...], 'passedData' => [...]], '_ci_return' => FALSE] ) | .../Loader.php:346 |
13 | 0.7714 | 4900064 | include( '/www/minirezbot.websites/5.5/AppSBLive/views/fork_sites/plugins/head.php ) | .../Loader.php:721 |
14 | 0.7725 | 4920760 | Sb2->loadPlugin( $plugin = 'headMeta', $priority = 'content', $wrapper = ???, $string = ???, $data = ???, $fork = ??? ) | .../head.php:636 |
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Take a look and don\'t hesitate to contact me with any questions', 'overview_message_signoff' => '<p class=\'signature\'><em>Bernie</em></p><p>The Big Shoot<br />0800 078 9508</p>'], 'pagebuild' => ['template indexView' => 'Loaded (responsive)', 0 => 'PAGEDATA template:defaultpages page:defaultsettings USED', 1 => 'PAGEDATA template:defaultpages page:venues USED', 2 => 'PAGEDATA website:affiliateprogram.geronigo.com page:defaultsettings USED', 'plugins' => [...]], 'pagedata' => ['details' => [...], 'column' => [...], 'menu' => [...], 'file' => 'index_responsive', 'coverage' => ' in the UK and Ireland', 'showDist' => 'yes', 'minPrice' => [...], 'activity_info' => [...]], 'regionCounts' => ['gb' => [...], 'GB' => [...], 'IE' => [...]], 'actCatCounts' => ['full' => 1864, 'filt' => 1864, 'minPrice' => '', 'cat' => [...], 'act' => [...]], 'venue_list' => [], 'minPrice' => ['minPrice' => '0.00', 'venues' => ''], 'plugins' => ['default' => [...], 'template' => [...], 'website' => [...], 'content' => [...], 'emails' => [...], 'pagetemplate' => 'responsive', 'pagewebsite' => 'affiliateprogram', 'pagefamily' => ''], 'plugindata' => [], 'passedData' => [], 'viewSettings' => ['page' => 'venues', 'seasonalIcon' => '', 'event' => 0, 'eventClass' => '', 'showAlert' => 1, 'showAlerts' => 0]], $return = FALSE ) | .../sb2.php:1371 |
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Take a look and don\'t hesitate to contact me with any questions', 'overview_message_signoff' => '<p class=\'signature\'><em>Bernie</em></p><p>The Big Shoot<br />0800 078 9508</p>'], 'pagebuild' => ['template indexView' => 'Loaded (responsive)', 0 => 'PAGEDATA template:defaultpages page:defaultsettings USED', 1 => 'PAGEDATA template:defaultpages page:venues USED', 2 => 'PAGEDATA website:affiliateprogram.geronigo.com page:defaultsettings USED', 'plugins' => [...]], 'pagedata' => ['details' => [...], 'column' => [...], 'menu' => [...], 'file' => 'index_responsive', 'coverage' => ' in the UK and Ireland', 'showDist' => 'yes', 'minPrice' => [...], 'activity_info' => [...]], 'regionCounts' => ['gb' => [...], 'GB' => [...], 'IE' => [...]], 'actCatCounts' => ['full' => 1864, 'filt' => 1864, 'minPrice' => '', 'cat' => [...], 'act' => [...]], 'venue_list' => [], 'minPrice' => ['minPrice' => '0.00', 'venues' => ''], 'plugins' => ['default' => [...], 'template' => [...], 'website' => [...], 'content' => [...], 'emails' => [...], 'pagetemplate' => 'responsive', 'pagewebsite' => 'affiliateprogram', 'pagefamily' => ''], 'plugindata' => [], 'passedData' => [], 'viewSettings' => ['page' => 'venues', 'seasonalIcon' => '', 'event' => 0, 'eventClass' => '', 'showAlert' => 1, 'showAlerts' => 0]], $return = FALSE ) | .../sb2.php:1371 |
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21 | 0.7924 | 4998008 | include( '/www/minirezbot.websites/5.5/AppSBLive/views/fork_sites/plugins/content/headMetaGcms.php ) | .../Loader.php:721 |
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23 | 1.0169 | 9382696 | handler( $errno = 2, $errstr = 'Undefined array key "venue_id"', $errfile = '/www/minirezbot.websites/5.5/AppSBLive/models/geronigo_mod.php', $errline = 8655 ) | .../geronigo_mod.php:8655 |
24 | 1.0169 | 9383016 | slackMsgRemote( $channel = '#it-tech-issues-local', $message = '[2025-02-11 08:07]\t[2]\t[Utils.php]\terrno: 2, line: 8655\nUndefined array key "venue_id"\nin /www/minirezbot.websites/5.5/AppSBLive/models/geronigo_mod.php\naffiliateprogram.geronigo.com/en/venues/adrenalin-activities/thamesmead-greater-london/oTown-35286\n' ) | .../Utils.php:254 |
25 | 1.0170 | 9383464 | file_get_contents( $filename = 'https://theactivitypeople.co.uk/en/action_query/slack/outOfMemory?channel=%23it-tech-issues-local&message=%5B2025-02-11+08%3A07%5D%09%5B2%5D%09%5BUtils.php%5D%09errno%3A+2%2C+line%3A+8655%0AUndefined+array+key+%22venue_id%22%0Ain+%2Fwww%2Fminirezbot.websites%2F5.5%2FAppSBLive%2Fmodels%2Fgeronigo_mod.php%0Aaffiliateprogram.geronigo.com%2Fen%2Fvenues%2Fadrenalin-activities%2Fthamesmead-greater-london%2FoTown-35286%0A' ) | .../Utils.php:34 |